KAKORRHAPHIOPHOBIA running rampant ...
Every artist suffers from Fear of Failure from time to time.
What if no one likes my work?
I will never get into an exhibit.
My work will never be as good as <insert name>.
Sound familiar? Gotcha, my friend. My thought process usually goes something like this:
(First time I saw this I blew coffee through my nose! It’s so true, right?)
We all go through doubts and fears when making, talking about, showing our work.
I find that viewing the process of other artists very encouraging. I may see an unfamiliar technique, discover a fresh color combination, or notice that I do the same things they do. My go to time-frame is to watch just before falling asleep in the hopes that the creativity I see will hobnob with my own.
If you find watching other artists helpful as well, then you are in luck! I just uploaded a new video to my YouTube Channel that gives you a peek into my creative process. Wouldn’t it be great if you find a new technique to add to your tool box or discover new ways to use color, and to build confidence in your own practice?
Please comment, like, and share after watching.